The Difference Between Non-Bonded vs. Bonded Ethernet Cables

The Difference Between Non-Bonded vs. Bonded Ethernet Cables

A wired connection using Ethernet is reliable, but depending on the type of Ethernet cable you use, the connection may experience issues. Non-bonded and bonded Ethernet cables will affect the connection of a network, and knowing this information will help you decide which Ethernet cable to use for your network. Read on to understand the difference between a non-bonded and bonded Ethernet cable.

What Is a Bonded Ethernet Cable?

When you have a bonded Ethernet cable, the twisted pair inside will have both conduits molded together, creating a permanent bond. The spacing between the bonded cable is virtually non-existent, creating a more uniform wiring inside the cable that carries a more consistent stream of data.

The cable’s diameter will also look smaller and thinner thanks to the bonded twisted pair. However, the performance of the cable will still function properly regardless of the size.

What Is a Non-Bonded Ethernet Cable?

A cable is non-bonded when it lacks the same molded elements of a bonded cable. Non-bonded Ethernet cables will have space between the conduits inside, which vary in size depending on the positions and bends within the cable. The conduits will move out of place in a non-bonded cable, requiring extra space to compensate for the occasional movement.

The Differences Between Non-Bonded and Bonded Cables

The primary difference between these two cables is the spacing between the pairs, but there is also a difference in results and performance. These cables will have varying benefits and drawbacks, making them ideal for different applications with different effects.


While Ethernet cables benefit a network, you’ll experience different benefits with each type. Non-bonded cables are more flexible, given the spacing in their twisted pairs. This flexibility will work well in networks where you must run a cable around furniture and equipment.

Bonded cables will benefit from maintaining a stable connection because cables remain consistent in transferring data. Compared to the non-bonded cable, the twisted pair won’t move around and cause fluctuations in a signal, leading to more stable connections from a source regardless of how the cable binds or compresses.

Thanks to the combined conduits, the stable connection is similar to a coax cable and its stable connection from its single conduit. The tighter twist makes the lapses in performance less likely and long-term cable maintenance easier.


Although non-bonded cables are flexible, they have a higher chance of instability when bent or angled. The twisted pair of non-bonded cables will separate depending on the position of the cable and how straight it is. It will take more precision to keep a stable connection using these cables, leading to the challenge of configuring your network properly. Bonded cables will work better but may not feel as flexible or durable as the jacket is not as thick.

Using Ethernet cables in your network will require knowledge of the best cables. Understand how bonded and non-bonded Ethernet cables differ and how to best use them to improve your network and prevent disruption from the cable’s interior.

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