Ethernet Cable FAQs: Your Questions Answered

Ethernet connection

In these tech-savvy times, it’s virtually unheard of to go without internet access. And with an Ethernet connection, you probably won’t ever have to. But how exactly are Ethernet cables used? What do they look like? And are there specific benefits to choosing an Ethernet connection over other internet access options? We’ll answer those questions in today’s FAQ post.

What are Ethernet cables used for?

Ethernet cables are used to connect a device to a network (e.g., the internet). Specifically, they’re high-speed cables that can transmit data through networks and connections. If you have wired internet, they’re what’s responsible for allowing your desktop or laptop to have internet access.

What do Ethernet cables look like?

There are lots of different kinds of cables out there, so it’s understandable you might not recognize an Ethernet cable upon first glance. They actually look similar to cables used in landline telephones in that they have a jack-type connector (which is a very distinctive type of plug) on one end. Ethernet cables, however, contain more wires and have a larger plug than you’d see with a traditional telephone cable. They also come in different colors, making them stand out a bit more than other kinds of cables.

Are there different Ethernet cable types?

Yes! There are actually several different Ethernet cable types, also known as categories. As technology evolves, the types of Ethernet cables we use does, too. These days, you’ll typically see CAT5 cables, CAT5e cables, and CAT6 cables, although there are newer versions that are starting to gain popularity. The higher the category number, the higher the performance (and the newer it is). While having a newer cable won’t necessarily ensure your internet will be faster, it can increase your network’s bandwidth.

What are the benefits of having an Ethernet connection?

There are a lot of ways to connect to the internet, each with its own pros and cons. While fiber optic cables have been used since 1988, they definitely aren’t the only means of getting online. At one point, Ethernet actually seemed rather outdated, but it’s making a real comeback. Although many people opt for wireless internet, an Ethernet cable can actually provide more consistent speeds and a more reliable connection. It may be a bit more restrictive for some people, but it definitely outranks wireless in terms of signal quality and speed. If you’re a gamer, a streamer, or you simply need your internet to be dependable at all times, Ethernet may be the right choice for you.

Now that you understand a bit more about Ethernet cables, we’re here to help you with all your network cabling needs. For more information, contact us today.

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