Types of Shielding Used For Network Cables

Types of Shielding Used For Network Cables

Cables allow us to connect technology and create functioning systems. One of the main components of cables that will enable them to work is shielding. There are different types of shielding, each with another form inside the cable.


Foil shielding on a cable uses a thin layer of copper or aluminum and comes with a thinner layer of aluminum to add resistance and durability. Foil shielding covers the entire length of the wires and prevents signals leaking from the wire as they transfer. The shielding is thin, which allows for easier manufacturing, but it is also harder to apply a connector in cable termination. Cables with foil shielding are usually grounded and terminated with a drain wire to add more protection to the shielding’s thin layer in the event of an electrical surge and allow a continuous frequency.


Unlike foil shielding, braided shielding surrounds the conductors in a lattice braided formation, allowing for more flexibility and thicker shielding. This shielding for network cables is mostly used for blocking out EMI in a cable of lower frequencies, but it will still work with all types of frequencies. The conductors won’t have complete coverage with braided shielding but the majority of their length will be shielded. Braided shielding is also bulky, so it may appear thicker when buying a cable with braided shielding from a computer cable store.

Spiral Shielding

Cables with spiral braiding have a plated copper wire wrapped around an insulated conductor. This shielding for network cables provides more coverage than braided shielding and remains flexible, if not less dense. Spiral branding is easy to manufacture but will enable frequencies to escape from exposed areas, especially when bent, making it less effective than other shielding.

Shielding is important to ensure no loss in frequency. These types of shielding are common in cables, and this guide will help you find the ideal shielding for your wired network.

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