Computer Technology Manufacturing Saw Increase in Employment Numbers Last Year

As technology continues to improve and expand, the world is constantly being introduced to new means of production, services, and equipment that make lives easier and more efficient. One way to judge the strength or position of an industry is by looking at the employment statistics. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you’re hiring a lot of new people, business is probably going pretty well.

It might be small, but anytime you buy new pieces of computer equipment like CAT5 cables, one of the three types of standard HDMI cables, bulk fiber optic cables, or Siamese cables, you’re affecting the potential of the industry as a whole. According to the 17th annual CompTIA Cyberstates 2016 report, tech manufacturing seems to be headed in a positive direction after a couple years of relative stagnation.

In 2015, the tech industry employed approximately 6.7 million people with 200,000 being added last year alone. Of those new jobs, about 3,700 came in the tech manufacturing industry, where things like Siamese cables are created. As a whole, the tech manufacturing industry accounts for about 1.14 million people working in the tech industry in the United States.

Measuring and control instruments, semiconductor, electronic components, and computer and peripheral equipment are the four largest sectors of tech manufacturing and they all saw growth in the past year after much of the prior decade has seen a slight decline. The relatively long lifespan of many electronic components, such as CAT5 cables — which can easily last 10 years — could be one of the reasons growth has been hard to come by.

Another great benefit for the consumer when it comes to things like Siamese cables and high-speed HDMI cables is the fact that their length or distance they cover has virtually no effect on the functionality unless it’s spanning a distance of over 100 feet. In that case, you should invest in cables specific for that purpose.

As employment in the tech industry and especially tech manufacturing grows steadily, so too will the opportunities and development in this crucial field.

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